Trust in the Process
Welcome to my online store, featuring one-of-a-kind and small batch ceramic art. Art is personal to me, and I take pride in creating unique objects.
Two decades of printmaking experience inform my ceramic surface design techniques.
I like combining processes and techniques to see what surprises might develop. This is true for both printmaking and ceramics. In printmaking, I set aside incomplete work for months or years until exactly the right opportunity struck to complete it. With ceramics, the effort is more immediate, but still time consuming. I spend at least a couple of hours on each of my signature pieces before they are bisque fired. Greenware is easily bumped or malformed when it is still pliable, and can crack, chip, or totally disintegrate as it becomes very dry, so it is always a relief when work survives bisque firing. Spending so much time on greenware surface design requires an investment of time and trust in the process.